Thermo Neslab DIMAX Chiller



Thermo Neslab DIMAX Chiller in Trim, Ireland

The machine is a Thermo Neslab DIMAX Chiller and it is located in Trim, Ireland. The current condition of the machine is used. It is categorized as a laboratory chiller and is manufactured by Neslab laboratory chillers. The machine has a serial number and a unique stock number, which is OD274172. The price for the machine is not specified, and you would need to contact the seller for price information.

Attributes and Accessories

  • Serial: Thermo Neslab DIMAX Chiller in Trim, Ireland
  • Location: Trim, Ireland
  • Price: Contact Seller for Price
  • Manufacturer: Neslab laboratory chillers
  • Model: DI MAX
  • Condition: used
  • Stock number: OD274172
  • Category: Laboratory Chillers in Ireland