Pinacho S-90/285-155

CNC Lathes


Pinacho S-90/285-155 in Etten-Leur, Netherlands

The machine in question is a used Pinacho S-90/285-155 CNC lathe. It is currently located in Etten-Leur, Netherlands. The price is not specified and it is advised to contact the seller for pricing details. The manufacturer of the machine is Pinacho CNC Lathes. The specific model is the Pinacho S90/285. It is in used condition and has a stock number of D881.

The machine has a distance of 2,000 mm between the centers, indicating its ability to handle longer workpieces. The center height is 290 mm, providing a good clearance for the workpiece. The turning diameter above the bed is 580 mm and the turning diameter above the support is 360 mm, indicating its capability to handle workpieces of varying sizes. The rotational diameter in the bag is 840 mm.

The machine has a through capacity of 150 mm, allowing for workpieces with a diameter of up to 150 mm to pass through. It falls under the category of CNC lathes in the Netherlands.

Attributes and Accessories

  • Serial: Pinacho S-90/285-155 in Etten-Leur, Netherlands
  • Location: Etten-Leur, Netherlands
  • Price: Contact Seller for Price
  • Manufacturer: Pinacho cnc lathes
  • Model: Pinacho S90/285
  • Condition: used
  • Stock number: D881
  • Distance between the centers: 2.000 mm
  • Center height: 290 mm
  • Turning diameter above the bed: 580 mm ø
  • Turning diameter above the support: 360 mm ø
  • Rotational diameter in the bag: 840 mm ø
  • Through: 150 mm ø
  • Category: CNC lathes in Netherlands